4 Fruits 5 Vegetables
4 Fruits & 5 Vegetables a day to prevent cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
Intro. to Vegetarian Lifestyle and Juice Feasting.
Nothing to buy to get started
4 fruits & 5 vegetables each day= 2 lbs. Fruit, plus
two 8 oz. salad- no iceberg or store bought tomato
1/2 pound of sweet potatoes, squash, carrots or yellow vegetable
1/2 pound steamed leafy greens-collards, turnip, mustard, kale
1/2 pound beans or peas
EARology -Massage your ears to health
Chinese Yoga – 42 minutes daily plus Dao Yin exercise
Eat all you want and lose weight
7 day juice Feast – 8-12 oz. vegetable juice four times each day.
Wait 15-30 minutes and say affirmation 7 times followed Qi Gong
Eat as much as you want from list of approved foods
NO – Dairy, Flour –wheat or corn, Fried, Salt or sugar, animal fat, Caffeine-soda, tea or coffee, hydrogenated fats or oil, eating out in restaurants
Grains – 1 Lbs/Day or .5 lb. 2-3 x/day
Fruit – 2 Lbs/Day or 1 lb. 2-3 x/day
Beans – 1/2 Lb /Day or .5 lb. daily
Greens – 1.5 Lbs/Day or .75 l. 2x/day
Water – 8 oz. 12x/day
Tea – 9-12 oz. w/ each meal
Total – 5 Lbs/Day
Eat Breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince, and dinner like a Pauper.
9 a Day to Prevent Cancer, Heart disease and Diabetes
4 Red/blue/purple Fruits Daily 1/2 pound of each
Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, Blackberries
Peaches, Nectarines, Plums, Mangoes
5 Vegetables Daily 1/2 pound of each
1 Serving Whole Grains & 1 Serving of Beans, Peas or Seeds
8 Rice varieties – Wild, Brown, Basmati, Lundborg, Sweet
Other Grains – Barley, Millet, Oats
16 Beans – Red, Black, Lentil, Garbanzo, Black eyed, Gunga, Pinto
Black Beans & Yellow Rice
Black Eyed Peas & Dirty Rice
Red Beans & White Rice
Lentils & Rice
Soy Beans & Rice
Gunga Peas & Rice
Mung Beans & Rice
1 or 2 Servings Leafy Green Vegetables-
Spinach, Kale, Chard, Collards, Mustard, Turnip, Dandelion
1 or 2 Servings Raw Salad Greens
Mesclun, baby Greens, sprouts, Raddichio,
1 Serving of Yellow Vegetables
Sweet Potatoes, Squashes, Pumpkin, Corn, Carrots, turnips
Avoid Meat & Dairy especially chicken because various bacterias in chicken causes cancer.
Meat – limit 3 oz. per day. Boil for ten minutes to release impurities and fat then refrigerate for ten minutes to congeal fat. Remove fat then shred the meat and mix with vegetables. Better at breakfast, at lunch makes you sleepy and at Dinner eating meat creates stagnation. Cook with onions and mushrooms and garlic to detoxify.
Dairy excess – creates damp and internal heat – Substitute Soy or Rice milk/cheese/margarine. No difference in mucus but creates internal cold and damp. Excessive use of tofu creates excess cold & damp
Dairy addiction -cook rosemary and thyme with each meal.
Order a case of rice milk, Almond Milk, Coconut Milk or Soy.
Drink Green Tea after each meal. Lowers cholesterol, blood sugar, prevents cancer and tooth decay
Sugar – Limit 3 tsp daily
For sugar addiction use chlorophyll and green powders daily.
Honey – 3 tbsp/day. Substitute Stevia. Cook with sorghum,
Barley Malt, Rice syrup,
Order Stevia.
BREAD Flour – Substitute, whole grain, sprouted, flourless, millet, spelt.
21 Days to Wellness Program with optional
7—21 day Juice Feast to Detoxify
liver, kidneys, spleen and strengthen lungs.
Also Detoxify electro-magnetic radiation poisoning and negative thinking.
Learn Self-diagnosis of face, tongue, posture and emotions.
Learn Psycho-puncture/Psycho-pressure emotional stress therapy Divine Dance, food therapy, herbal nutrition, Meridian Qi Gong, and acupressure self massage.
21 Days to Wellness Juice Feast
each week one day fruit juice
each month three days green clean
seasonal change seven day juice feast
once a year 21 Days juice feast
Stop Cravings Now