Soul Sweat Miami
conclusion to 21 Days to Wellness
2nd Sunday every month Noon – 4 pm
SPA day at Russian Turkish Baths – Ocean water hot tub, finish sauna, Turkish steam, Russian shvitz, Infra red sauna, Aromatherapy steam, Swedish showers, cold pool, high pressure water, etc. Includes 3 Juices, 2 salads, foot rub, back rub, salt scrub, oak leaf rub and green facial mud $75
Juicing party in Boca Raton
start to 21 Days to Wellness
3rd Sunday every month 1-4 pm
Bring your veggies to juice and you will learn how to combine for highest benefits. How much, times of day, types of juicers, how long and how to end your juice feast. Free eBook and teleseminar if you can’t meet with us. Free class
Qigong Playshop
3rd Saturday every month 10 am – 1pm
Learn everything you wanted to know about Medical Qigong, benefits of specific exercises, time of day, sun orientation, Yin & Yang, 5 sources of energy and how to cultivate your Qi. $45 includes DVD
Psycho-Emotional Release
1st Saturday every month 3-5 pm – $10
Psycho-pressure Tapping class & ID of issues
that hold you back from achieving your ultimate goals
Followed by
Drumming Meditation & Emotional Release Dance
5-7 pm Potluck – $10
Raw Food Prep
last Wednesday every month 7 – 9 pm – $45